Restarting Algos After Server Maintenance
TT has been developing a new feature to automatically restart ADL algos following required weekend Algo Server maintenance restarts. The first version of this feature has been deployed to the simulation environment for the Algo Servers that service the following markets:
- BrokerTec
- Eris
- MX
- Fenix
- Coinbase
These Algo Servers will be restarted Monday through Friday at 4:15PM CST. All ADL algos should be recovered back to the state in which they existed prior to the restart with the exception of those which contain the following blocks:
- Position Risk Block
- Pnl Block
- Order Block configured to drive Autospreader orders
The Algo Server restart time was chosen specifically because most of these markets will be closed at that point and, as a result, no exchange events (price updates, order updates, fills, etc) will fire. However, it should be noted that the state of ADL algos that are designed to fire periodic non-exchange discrete events while the Algo Server is being restarted may be inaccurate after being restarted.
We will be monitoring the state of all ADL algos after these restarts to ensure that they are operational. If you encounter any ADL algos that fail to restart, please open a Support ticket so that we can fully investigate the cause and remediate any problems.
If you have any questions, please contact your TT Customer Success representative.