Alert Manager and Alert Viewer

Alert Manager and Alert Viewer

Alerts Reference

Order Condition

Field Value
Account A list of accounts assigned to a user.
Buy/Sell The side of the trade. Valid values: Buy, Sell.
Contract Opens the Market Explorer and Search to select an instrument.

TT user name of the trader associated with the transaction or owns a staged order.

Exchange The market being traded.
Exec Type The reason for sending an order Execution Report, e.g., New, Canceled, Rejected, etc.
Fill Price The price at which to fill the order.
Fill Qty The quantity at which to fill the order.
Non-matching State Indicates whether the market is in a matching or non-matching state, e.g., Open or Pre-Open. Valid values: True or False. The default is "False".
Order Price The price at which the order was entered.
Order Type The natively supported exchange order type.

TT User ID of the person who submitted the order or staged order.

Price Deviation Sets how far from the last traded price to submit an order. Set the number of ticks or a percentage.
Product Type The asset class or type of instrument being traded.
Status Order status information on an Execution Report, e.g., Working, Filled, Canceled, etc.
Synth Status Order status information on an Execution Report for a parent synthetic order.
TIF Natively supported exchange time-in-force restrictions.
Total Fill Quantity Triggers the condition when the order is filled for the quantity entered.
Total Quantity Triggers the condition when the order is completely filled.
Working Quantity Triggers the condition based on the working order quantity.

Position Condition

Field Value
Account A list of accounts assigned to a user. Selected by default.
Contract Opens the Market Explorer and Search to select an instrument. Either a contract or product is required if the field is set to "Position".
P&L The amount of P/L in a single account or for all accounts.
Position The open position in a single account or all accounts. Sets a condition based on the quantity (Qty) or percentage (%) of the account position limit. The "%" operator provides the ability to display an alert when an account is approaching its limits (Max position product (net)). For percentage-based alerts, you must also provide one or more products or contracts.
Product Opens the Market Explorer and Search to select a product. Either a contract or product is required if the field is set to "Position".

Algo Condition

Field Value
Account A list of accounts assigned to a user. Selected by default.
Algo A list of your available algos.

TT user name of the trader associated with the transaction or owns a staged order.


TT User ID of the person who submitted the order or staged order.

Status Algo status information.

Price Condition

Field Value
Specific Qty The user-definied number of contacts or lots.
Bid Qty The total quantity at the best bid price.
Bid Price The current best bid price.
Ask Price The current best ask price.
Ask Qty The total quantity at the best ask price.
Last Price The last traded price during the current trading session.
Last Qty The total quantity at the last traded price.
Open The price at market open.
High The highest traded price during the current trading session.
Low The lowest traded price during the current trading session.
Close The price at market close.
Net Change The net change in the contract price for the trading session.
Prev Last The last traded price from the previous session.
Prev High The highest traded price from the previous session.
Prev Low The lowest traded price from the previous session.
Settle The settlement price from the previous session.
Volume The total traded volume for the contract.

Condition and Criteria Operators

Operator Description
= Equals
< Less Than
<> Not equal
<= Less Than or Equal
>= Greater Than or Equal
Contains Contains value
Change Price changes value