Using the Order Book or orders pane in the Orders and Fills widget, you can bulk care orders together by:
Tip: If the account or user has permission to "work orders without claiming" in Setup, you can bulk and claim care orders with a single bulking action.
The care orders are bulked into a single order. Additional care orders can be added to the bulked order using the context menu, drag-and-drop, or the combining tool.
The combining tool appears in the left side of the Order Book or orders pane.
Left-click and drag-and-drop a care order unto another care order or bulked order.
When you unbulk an order, consider the following:
To unbulk a care order, right-click the parent bulked order in the Order Book and select Order staging | Unbulk from the context menu.
The working child orders and claimed care orders are returned to their "pre-bulked" state. The child orders continue working in the market as native exchange orders, but are "orphaned" and no longer associated with a care order and the parent bulked order no longer exists.