Using the Order Book or orders pane in the Orders and Fills widget, you can right-click an individual or bulked care order and select the following Order staging options from the context menu:
Note: Released fills are automatically allocated to the care order using the "average price with fills" algorithm in TT. The average price is calculated based on the price and quantity of the child order fills.
To lock and release a care order:
The status of "Locked" is displayed in the Release column. Any child order fills received for the care order will not be reported back to the customer who staged the order.
The Release column is cleared for the order and child order fill notifications will be sent back to the customer.
Note: The Release column will display "Released" if the care order has any released fills.
The Release column shows that the bulked order and each original care order are locked. When the care order has unreleased fills, the Release button is enabled. Fills for working child orders will be delayed (locked) as long as the parent bulked order is locked.
Note: The column will display "Released" if the care order has any released fills.
Released fills are also displayed in the optional Release column in the fills pane of the Orders and Fills widget (the button is only available in the orders pane).