When uploading order profiles into TT, the .csv file must adhere to the following rules:
FCM_Customer,FCM_IsActive,FCM_Product,FCM_Exchange,FCM_Group,FCM_ProductType,FCM_Account,FCM_ExchAccount,FCM_OrdQty,FCM_MaxQty,FCM_TIF,Clearing Acct,Staged Orders Customer3,TRUE,6B,CME,*,FUT,SonnAB,456,4,100,Day,JS-1, Customer3,TRUE,GE,CME,*,FUT,SonnAB,456,5,100,GTC,JS-2, Customer3,TRUE,ES,CME,*,FUT,SonnAB,456,1,100,GTC,JS-3,
The .csv file can contain a maximum of 1000 profile rows, as follows:
To show the optional MiFID II columns in Order Profiles, right-click the rules panel of the widget and select the Edit Columns... option.
To filter column rows, click the right hand portion of a column header. Note: the Profile column cannot be filtered because the rule rows are already filtered based on the profile(s) selected in the Profiles panel.
When adding a rule or profile, you can set values in the following columns:
Column | Description |
Profile | Order profile name. |
Use | Sets whether to use a rule for submitting orders. Check the Use column to make the rule available for order entry. If multiple rules are selected, rules will be selected based on the best match, where the more specific values override wildcard "*" values. |
Prod | Defines a product. The Market Explorer opens in this cell to allow you to find and select a product. Multiple products can be selected using Ctrl+click or Ctrl+Shift+click. Default product preference is *
(all products). Note: The Exch and Type fields will be populated automatically based on the product selected. |
Exch | Defines an exchange. The drop-down list in this cell shows exchanges assigned to your account(s). Select "Aggregator" or "Autospreader" to define an order entry rule for Aggregator or Autospreader orders. Default exchange preference is * (any exchanges, including any Autospreader and Aggregator orders). Populated automatically based on the product. |
Group | Defines the exchange product group. The drop-down list in this cell shows product groups for exchanges assigned to your account(s). Default product preference is * (all available product groups). |
Type | Defines a product type. Populated automatically based on the product. If you select an exchange, only product types supported by that exchange are listed. The list of product types includes the following:
Default product type is * (all product types). |
Order Qty | Sets the order quantity for the rule.
Note: As of version 15.11.4, the default order quantity was changed from 1 to 0 for all new rules. However, it did not changes the default quantity for existing rules; you must update existing rules if you want to set 0 for the default order quantity. |
Max Qty | Sets the maximum order quantity for the rule. |
TIF | Sets a time-in force (TIF) order restriction for the rule to apply to each order. Select a TIF
from the drop-down list:
The default TIF is Day. |
SL Payup | Sets the Stop-Limit order payup ticks quantity for the rule. |
Disp Qty | Sets a display quantity for disclosed-quantity orders (e.g., native Iceberg) for the rule. |
Account | Sets the order routing account to use for the rule. Select an account from the drop-down list. |
Alt Exch Acct | Shows the value of Tag 440 sent to ICE and ICE_L exchanges. This field allows you to define the Tag 440 value and override the "Exchange Account" value configured in Setup for ICE and ICE_L. |
Clearing Acct | Shows the value sent to the exchange as the clearing account. |
Order Type | Sets the order type for the rule. Native order types vary by exchange. All TT order types are listed, as well as ADL algos and third party algos. |
Template | Sets a TT order type template to the order. |
Text A | Free text field that can be routed to the exchange. |
Text B | Free text field that can be routed to the exchange. |
Text C | Free text field that is not routed to the exchange, but remains on the order in the TT system. |
Text TT | Free text field that is not routed to the exchange, but remains on the order in the TT system. |
D.E.A | Direct Electronic Access. Sets whether or not the order is sent from direct/sponsored access, or from another source. Valid values:
TrdgCap | Trading Capacity. Valid values:
LiqProv | Liquidity Provision. Indication of market making. Valid values:
C.D.I. | Commodity Derivative Indicator. Indication of whether the order is for hedging purposes to reduce risk. Valid values:
InvestDec | Investment Decision ID. Indicates the user or firm who made the trading decision. Enter a registered ID/Short Code. |
ExecDec | Execution Decision ID. Indicates the user or firm that submitted the order. Enter a registered ID/Short Code. |
Client ID | Client ID. The customer's legal entity identifier (LEI/Short Code). |
Take-Up | Identifies who the Give-up order is allocated to. |
Give-Up | Identifies the Give-up account or user. |
Give-Up Type | Indicates if the Euronext wholesale trade is given up to a member trading firm or individual trader. |
Staged Order | Indicates whether the order is a staged order. When this field is checked, the Stage checkbox on the Order Ticket is checked. |
Execution Instructions | Order execution instructions for a staged order. |
Cust Acct | The Customer Reference Account for wholesale trades. |
Clearing Firm | The clearing firm identifier. |
Acct Type | Account type code that defines the trader's relationship with a clearing house. The list of account types varies by exchange. |
MiFID ID | MiFID II profile ID for ICE only. Required for firms who register with ICE to use a single code instead of individual MiFID order tags 9700-9706. |
Client Ref | Client identifier for Euronext wholesale trades. |
Order Ref | Trader or order reference identifier for Euronext wholesale trades. |
Clearing Instructions | Indicates if the Euronext wholesale trade must be posted to a specific account in the clearing system. Valid values are:
Offset Account | Default account used for submitting an offsetting manual fill for a care order. Valid values: