Using the Order Book widget or orders pane of the Orders and Fills widget, you can pass partially filled, held, modified, or unchanged working orders including the following:
Note: Child orders cannot be passed separately from their parent. When a parent order is passed, it's child orders are passed with it.
To pass an order:
Note: You can select the Send Home option to pass the order directly to the user and group that originated the order as shown in the "Originator" and "Original Group" columns.
After initiating the order pass, "Pending Out" is displayed in the Pass State column and the target group is shown in the Dest Group column. The row is highlighted in orange to indicate the order is being passed.
Click Undo Pass if you want to cancel the pass and select a different "caretaker" group.
When an order is passed to you, the following is displayed in your Order Book widget:
To accept a passed order:
To reject the passed order, you can select Reject orders.
After accepting the passed order, your group name is displayed in the Caretaker column. The Original Group column shows the name of the user group that initially passed the order.