Note: As an administrator, the "Update positions" setting must be enabled in Setup for each account available to you in order to create manual fills for that account.
To create a manual fill:
Tip: You can also open Positions Manager by clicking Create Manual Fill from the context menu when selecting a row in the Positions widget.
Note: Off-tick prices cannot be entered for instruments that tick in fractions (displayed with an apostrophe). For example: ZB Sep18 with a price of 145'23.
Before the manual fill is published, the Status column displays as "Staged". To delete a manual fill before it's published, click the "x" in the manual fill row.
The position in the account is modified in the Positions widget, and the fill appears in the Fills widget for each user sharing the account.
Tip: To quickly offset a manual fill, right-click the published fill in Position Manager and select Clone selected rows. In the new row that appears, click the B/S button to flip the side and click Publish.
Manual fills can be created for a contract by using the context menu in the Market Grid, Order Book, or orders pane of the Orders and Fills widget. To create a manual fill, right-click the contract or order row in these widgets and select Create Manual Fill....
When this option is selected, the Position Manager widget opens and is seeded with the contract name, price, quantity, and account for the selected instrument. You can then create the manual fill using Position Manager.
Note: When you right-click an order row in the Order Book or orders pane of the Orders and Fills widget to select Create Manual Fill..., this option creates a manual fill for the contract but does not fill the order.