TT Uncovered
TT Uncovered Interface
TT Uncovered Interface
TT Uncovered consists of two main windows:
- Order Management Window: allows for order entry and provides information on filled orders.
- Options Pricer Definition: allows for the configuration of the synthetic options strategy. This window appears when you use the plus sign in the Synthetics panel of the Order Management window.
TT Uncovered Order Management Window
The TT Uncovered order management window contains the following panels:
- Order Ticket: The Order Ticket provides the following functionality:
- Set the order quantity.
- Display the currently selected option spread.
- Submit Buy and Sell orders into the market.
- Select the trading account.
- Select the end time order action/time in force. Currently TT Uncovered supports Day and Immediate or Cancel (IOC).
- Configure settings for the parent order.
- Set the time in force (TIF) for the hedge order.
- Set the number of Payup Ticks.
- Enable/Disable sending the hedge order.
- Synthetics pane: Allows you to create and view synthetic option strategies. Once created, you simply select the synthetic option strategy in this panel then use the Order Ticket to configure and submit it.
- Orders and Fills pane: Displays information on all working and filled orders including the synthetic order name, order/fill status, and hedge leg. Double-clicking a row in this pane displays information on the related child orders.
- Audit Trail pane: Displays a record of all activity including connectivity information, strategy creation, order entry, and fill updates.
Options Pricer Definition
The Options Pricer Definition window allows users to set the values for the configuration of the synthetic options strategy. This includes:
- The Options panel: allows users to select either an exchange native option or an option strategy.
- The Hedge leg panel: allows users to select the optional hedge leg.
- Synthetic Properties panel: allows users to select values that define the range of Covered User Defined Strategies that will be included.