Advanced Features
Advanced features overview
TT provides the following advanced features that can give traders access to a variety of more sophisticated trading tools:
TT Pro upgrade gives users access to TT's extensive suite of automated trading tools, such as Autospreader, Autotrader, Aggregator, Hedge Manager and ADL (Algo Design Lab).
Advanced Options package provides traders with all the tools they need to view and analyze option markets, identify opportunities, and assess position risk.
APIs allow user to create their own applications that can leverage the TT platform, including REST and C# .NET applications.
TT Backtesting lets traders test improve the performace of their algos by replaying them historical market data and allows compliance or risk managers to use historically volatile market conditions to avoid deploying potentiall disruptive algos into live markets.
Advanced features incur additional charges and can only be activated by administrators with the appropriate permissions. For information on activating these features, contact your Customer Success Manager.