Using the Connections tab, you can add a direct connection to a CME Market Segment Gateway (MSGW) or Convenience Gateway (CGW) via the TT platform. As an administrator, you can also add a connection directly to CME ClearPort to report OTC (over-the-counter) transactions to the exchange.
The CME Group’s Market Segment Gateways are dedicated to all products on a particular matching engine instance or “market segment." CME provides access to each MSGW via a CGW as part of their iLink architecture. Before configuring your CME connections on TT, contact the CME Group to request CGW and MSGW iLink credentials.
Note: Connections can be added for both MSGW iLink 2 and MSGW iLink 3. On March 28, 2021, iLink 2.0 for MSGW will be decommissioned by CME. Contact your TT Customer Success manager for more details about how to migrate your users from MSGW iLink 2 to MSGW iLink 3 connections in TT.
To add a CME iLink 2 CGW or MSGW connection:
Select one of the following connection types in the Type field:
If you selected ClearPort in the Type field, configure the following setting:
ClearPort Broker — Select a ClearPort broker user ID that is registered with the exchange for reporting trades via the ClearPort interface. Accounts assigned to the connection will automatically include trading users (counterparties) associated with the broker user ID at CME.
Note: The broker user ID assigned by the exchange is registered for accessing CME clearing services. TT® administrators ensure that the broker user ID is available for your company when you create a ClearPort connection.
Configure the settings in the Additional Settings section.
If you selected a Convenience Gateway (CGW) in the Type field, configure the following settings per connection:
If you selected a Market Segment Gateway (MSGW) in the Type field, configure the following settings per connection:
Note: To access multiple market segments via your MSGW iLink session, you will need to create a connection for each market segment using the same MSGW iLink session ID (+ Firm ID), Secret Key, Access Key ID, and MSGW port that you received from the CME Group.
You can select the connection in the data grid and review the connection settings in the Settings tab.
Note: The connection will not become active until at least one account is assigned.
CME iLink 3 Message Gateway (MSGW) connections use Simple Binary Encoding, which is a FIX standard order-entry protocol for trading futures, options, and BrokerTec products on CME Globex.
To add a CME iLink 3 MSGW connection:
Select one of the following connection types in the Type field:
Configure the settings in the Additional Settings section.
Configure the following Market Segment Gateway (MSGW) settings per connection:
Note: To access multiple market segments via your MSGW iLink session, you will need to create a connection for each market segment using the same MSGW iLink session ID (+ Firm ID), Secret Key, Access Key ID, and MSGW port that you received from the CME Group.
You can select the connection in the data grid and review the connection settings in the Settings tab.
Note: The connection will not become active until at least one account is assigned.