Supported Order Types and TIFs

Supported Order Types and TIFs

Supported Order Types and TIFs

Exchange Supported Order Types Supported TIFs Notes
ASX Limit, Market to Limit (MTL) Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
ATHEX Limit, Market, Stop, Stop Limit Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close, Opening For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
BIST Limit, Market to Limit, Stop Limit Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
BitMEX Iceberg, Limit, Limit (Post Only), Limit If Touched, Market, Market If Touched, Stop Limit, Stop Market Day, FOK, GTC, IOC
B3 Cross, Iceberg, Limit, Market with Protection, Market-Limit, Minimum Quantity (MinVol), Stop Limit, Stop Market Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Auction, On Close For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
CBOE Limit, Market, Stop Limit, Stop Market Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close, Opening For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
CEDX Limit, Market, Stop Limit, Stop Market Day, FOK, GTDate, IOC, On Open For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
CFE Limit, Market, Stop Limit Day, FOK, GTC, IOC
CME Iceberg, Limit, Market to Limit, Market with Protection, Stop, Stop Limit with Protection, Stop Market with Protection Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
Coinbase Limit, Limit (Post Only), Market, Stop Limit, Stop Market FOK, GTC, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
CurveGlobal Limit, Limit If Touched, Market, Market If Touched, Market On Open, Minimum Volume, Stop Limit, Stop Market Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
Deribit Limit, Limit Post Only, Market FOK, GTC, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
DGCX Iceberg, Limit, Market, Market to Limit, Stop Limit, Stop Market, Stop Market to Limit Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
EEX Limit, Market, OCO, Stop Market Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
Eris Limit, Market Day, FOK, IOC
eSpeed Iceberg, Limit Day, IOC
Eurex Book or Cancel, Limit, Market, OCO, Stop Limit, Stop Market Day, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
Euronext Limit, Market, Minimum Volume Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Open For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
Fenics Limit Day, FOK, IOC
FEX Limit, Market Day, FOK, GIS, GTC, GTD
HKEx Limit, Market to Limit (At Auction Limit) Day, Day+, FOK, GTC, GTC+, GTDate, GTDate+, IOC TIFs with the "+" are used for the after hours (ATH) T + 1 session.
For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
ICE Iceberg, Limit, Market, Stop Limit Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
ICE_L Iceberg, Limit, Market, Stop Limit Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
IDEM Iceberg, Limit, Limit If Touched, Market, Market On Open, Minimum Volume, Stop Limit, Stop Market Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
JPX Limit, Market Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
JSE Limit, Market, Market If Touched, Market to Limit, Stop Limt, Stop Market Day, FOK, GFA (Good for Auction), GTC, GTDate, GTT (Good til Time), IOC, MOO (OPG) For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
KCG Limit Day, IOC
LME Iceberg, Limit, Stop Limit Day, GTC, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
MX Iceberg, Limit, Market, Market to Limit, Minimum Volume, Stop Limit Day, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Open For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
MEFF Limit, Market, Stop Limit Day, FOK, IOC, On Auction For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
MexDer Limit Day, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
MOEX Limit Day, FOK, GTdate, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
NASDAQ_EU Iceberg, Limit, Market, Market to Limit, Stop Limit, Stop Market Day, FOK, GIS (Good In Session), GTC, GTDate, IOC For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation.
NFX Iceberg, Limit, Market, Market to Limit, Minimum Volume, Stop Limit Day, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Open
Nodal Book or Cancel, Limit, Market, OCO, Stop Limit, Stop Market Day, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close
SGX Limit, Market, Market to Limit, Stop Limit, Stop Market, Stop Market to Limit Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close, On Open Market orders are not supported for Day, GTC, GTDate TIFs.
TAIFEX Limit, Market Day, FOK, IOC Market orders are supported only for IOC, FOK TIFs.
TFEX Iceberg, Limit, Market, Market If Touched, Market to Limit, Stop Limt, Stop Market, Stop Market to Limit Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC Market orders are supported only for IOC, FOK TIFs.
TFX Limit, Market GIS, GTC, On Open Market allowed only On Open.
Limit allowed only for GIS, GTC.