Exchange | Supported Order Types | Supported TIFs | Notes |
ASX | Limit, Market to Limit (MTL) | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
ATHEX | Limit, Market, Stop, Stop Limit | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close, Opening | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
BIST | Limit, Market to Limit, Stop Limit | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
BitMEX | Iceberg, Limit, Limit (Post Only), Limit If Touched, Market, Market If Touched, Stop Limit, Stop Market | Day, FOK, GTC, IOC |
B3 | Cross, Iceberg, Limit, Market with Protection, Market-Limit, Minimum Quantity (MinVol), Stop Limit, Stop Market | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Auction, On Close | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
CBOE | Limit, Market, Stop Limit, Stop Market | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close, Opening | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
CEDX | Limit, Market, Stop Limit, Stop Market | Day, FOK, GTDate, IOC, On Open | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
CFE | Limit, Market, Stop Limit | Day, FOK, GTC, IOC |
CME | Iceberg, Limit, Market to Limit, Market with Protection, Stop, Stop Limit with Protection, Stop Market with Protection | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
Coinbase | Limit, Limit (Post Only), Market, Stop Limit, Stop Market | FOK, GTC, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
CurveGlobal | Limit, Limit If Touched, Market, Market If Touched, Market On Open, Minimum Volume, Stop Limit, Stop Market | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
Deribit | Limit, Limit Post Only, Market | FOK, GTC, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
DGCX | Iceberg, Limit, Market, Market to Limit, Stop Limit, Stop Market, Stop Market to Limit | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
EEX | Limit, Market, OCO, Stop Market | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
Eris | Limit, Market | Day, FOK, IOC |
eSpeed | Iceberg, Limit | Day, IOC |
Eurex | Book or Cancel, Limit, Market, OCO, Stop Limit, Stop Market | Day, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
Euronext | Limit, Market, Minimum Volume | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Open | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
Fenics | Limit | Day, FOK, IOC |
FEX | Limit, Market | Day, FOK, GIS, GTC, GTD |
HKEx | Limit, Market to Limit (At Auction Limit) | Day, Day+, FOK, GTC, GTC+, GTDate, GTDate+, IOC |
TIFs with the "+" are used for the after hours (ATH) T + 1 session.
For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
ICE | Iceberg, Limit, Market, Stop Limit | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
ICE_L | Iceberg, Limit, Market, Stop Limit | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
IDEM | Iceberg, Limit, Limit If Touched, Market, Market On Open, Minimum Volume, Stop Limit, Stop Market | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
JPX | Limit, Market | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
JSE | Limit, Market, Market If Touched, Market to Limit, Stop Limt, Stop Market | Day, FOK, GFA (Good for Auction), GTC, GTDate, GTT (Good til Time), IOC, MOO (OPG) | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
KCG | Limit | Day, IOC |
LME | Iceberg, Limit, Stop Limit | Day, GTC, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
MX | Iceberg, Limit, Market, Market to Limit, Minimum Volume, Stop Limit | Day, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Open | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
MEFF | Limit, Market, Stop Limit | Day, FOK, IOC, On Auction | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
MexDer | Limit | Day, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
MOEX | Limit | Day, FOK, GTdate, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
NASDAQ_EU | Iceberg, Limit, Market, Market to Limit, Stop Limit, Stop Market | Day, FOK, GIS (Good In Session), GTC, GTDate, IOC | For details about support between order types, TIFs, and products - consult the documentation. |
NFX | Iceberg, Limit, Market, Market to Limit, Minimum Volume, Stop Limit | Day, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Open |
Nodal | Book or Cancel, Limit, Market, OCO, Stop Limit, Stop Market | Day, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close |
SGX | Limit, Market, Market to Limit, Stop Limit, Stop Market, Stop Market to Limit | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC, On Close, On Open |
Market orders are not supported for Day, GTC, GTDate TIFs. |
TAIFEX | Limit, Market | Day, FOK, IOC |
Market orders are supported only for IOC, FOK TIFs. |
TFEX | Iceberg, Limit, Market, Market If Touched, Market to Limit, Stop Limt, Stop Market, Stop Market to Limit | Day, FOK, GTC, GTDate, IOC |
Market orders are supported only for IOC, FOK TIFs. |
TFX | Limit, Market | GIS, GTC, On Open |
Market allowed only On Open. Limit allowed only for GIS, GTC. |