Care Orders

Care Orders

Changing or canceling care orders

Based on their role in submitting or managing the order, users can make requests to change a care order or cancel a care order. Requests can be made via the Order Book widget in TT or a FIX trading application.

Changing a care order

After the care order is claimed and has not been fully filled, the originator can request a change to the following:

  • Price
  • Quantity
  • Exchange order type

To change a care order:

  1. Select the order in the Order Book and change the price or quantity.
  2. Click Change.

    If you are the originator and not the owner, the Status column shows Pending Change Approval.

    Both the originator and the owner will see Pending Change Approval in the Status column of their Order Books.

Canceling a care order

The owner can cancel the care order before submitting any child orders.

If the originator attempts to cancel the care order after it is claimed by the owner, then the owner must approve the cancel request. Both the originator and the owner will see Pending Cancel Approval in the Status column of their Order Books, indicating that there is a care order cancel request pending approval by the owner.

To cancel a care order:

  1. Select a care order in the Order Book.
  2. Click the Cancel button in the tool bar.

    If you are the originator and not the owner, the care order Status changes to Pending Cancel Approval. Otherwise, "Pending Cancel" is displayed.