TT Order Types

This feature is available to preview in the UAT environment. It will be available in the production environment in the near future.

TT Order Types

TT Time Weighted Average Price

TT Time Weighted Average Price (TWAP) may be used to fill large orders when a trader wants to keep the executed trade price as close as possible to the average market price without alerting other market participants to order volume.

TWAP avoids conspicuous trades by breaking up an order into smaller slices and submitting those to the market incrementally and systematically, according to a calculated plan, similarly to how the TT Time Duration order type does. Plan behavior may be configured to suit the trader's goals by setting parameters for fill duration, child order size per slice, trading style, price triggers, and price limits.

Time Weighted Average Price Order Parameters

# Parameter Name Required / Optional Description
1 Edit N/A The Edit button shows the TT TWAP Details pane, where parameters for the trade can be entered or adjusted.
2 Order Quantity Required The Order Quantity field is used to specify the total number of orders for the trade.
3 Duration Type Required Duration Type defines the execution period for the parent trade.
  • Duration (Default) — This option sets the total time, from now, to fill the total order quantity.
  • StartEnd — This option causes a delayed start, setting begin and end times for the trade. The difference between the two time stamps determines the total duration for filling the orders.
4 Max Display % Required Max Display Percentage specifies the maximum size of a child order lot in relation to the total parent order quantity.
  • Integer between 1 and 100 (default = 10)
5 Style Required Style defines how the algorithm lays out the slices and execution options:
  • Aggressive — Child orders are sent as market orders at the beginning of each slice. Child order quantities and time periods are uniform across each slice.
  • Passive — A Limit Order is placed at the bid (for buys) / ask (for sells) at the beginning of each slice and then continuously repriced to follow the market. At the end of the slice, any unfilled Limit Order is cancelled, a Market Order is sent for any remaining quantity. Time periods are uniform across slices but quantities vary with a 99% randomization around (Total Qty x Max Disp %) / 2.
  • Default — Similar to the Passive style, a Limit Order is placed at the bid (for buys) / ask (for sells) at the beginning of each slice and then continuously repriced to follow the market. For every 10 trades that occur in the market, a quantity of 1 is decremented from the Limit Order and sent as a 1-lot Market Order. At the end of the slice, any unfilled Limit Order is cancelled and a Market Order is sent for any remaining quantity. Time periods are uniform across slices but quantities vary with a 99% randomization around (Total Qty x Max Disp %) / 2.
    Note If the exchange does not support market orders, a limit order of five ticks is submitted through the market.
6 Would If Price Optional Would If Price is a desired price threshold that will trigger TWAP to temporarily abandon its current slicing plan and aggressively fill as much quantity as possible as long as quantity is available on the opposite side of the market at the specified price, or lower (for buys), or higher (for sells). The algo then re-plans slices for any remaining quantity and resumes its execution.
  • Price in Display format
7 Limit Price Optional Limit Price defines the highest price at which the user is willing to buy (when buying), or the lowest to sell (when selling).
  • Price in Display format
Note If this option is used, a portion of the order could go unfilled at the end of the set duration.


Setting the Fill Duration

From the TT TWAP Details pane:

  1. Select Duration or StartEnd from the dropdown.
  2. If selecting Duration, enter an integer or decimal in the text box and select the unit of time:
    • hour (hr)
    • minute (min), or
    • second (sec)

  3. If selecting StartEnd, click on End to bring up the calendar widget, and select the target time for completing the trade.

    By default, Now is selected as the start time. You can delay the start time by clicking Now and selecting Time from the dropdown, which will bring up a calendar widget like before.
    Note Start time must be less than or equal to the End time. By default, End time is set to one hour from Start. Duration may be edited after TT TWAP is launched. However, changing the value cancels all pending child orders in the current plan, re-plans, and restarts the algo.

Setting Child order Size per Slice

Max Display % sets a limit on child order size based on the total size of the order.

From the TWAP Details pane:

  1. Set a maximum percentage, by entering an integer into the Max Display % textbox, or by incrementing or decrementing the count with the arrow buttons.

    Note Changing this parameter after the algo has begun cancels all pending child orders, re-plans the strategy, then restarts the algo.

Selecting a Trading Style

Selecting a Style sets the trade execution behavior for the child orders.

From the TT TWAP Details pane, execution can be set to: Aggressive, Default, or Passive.

Setting a Price Trigger (Would If Price)

From the TT TWAP Details pane:

  1. Select Would If Price by ticking the checkbox.
  2. Specify a price in TT's Price Display format.

Setting a Price Limit

From the TT TWAP Details pane:

  1. Select Limit Price by ticking the checkbox.
  2. Specify a price in TT's Price Display format.