For efficiency reasons, TT Core SDK does not hold fills in memory. If you need to access past fills, you:
The following code snippet demonstrates an example of this process.
class FillObserver : public ttsdk::IFillDownloadCallbackHandlerPtr
FillObserver() {}
virtual void OnDownloadComplete(const DownloadResult code,
HistoricalFillCollectionPtr fills, const char* message)
if (code == DownloadResult.SUCCESS)
for (size_t i = 0; i < fills->GetCount(); i++)
FillPtr fill = fills->GetFill(i);
ExecutionReportPtr er = fill->GetExecutionReport();
std::cout << “Order ID = “
<< er->GetOrderId()
<< “ Cumulative Fill Qty = “
<< er->GetCumQty()
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Fill download request failed -- “
<< message
<< std::endl;
FillObserver fillObserver;
void foo()
// …
const uint64_t accountId = 12345;
bool result = ttsdk::DownloadFills(fillObserver, accountId);
// …