TT® FIX Drop Copy

TT FIX Drop Copy overview

TT FIX Drop Copy overview

The drop copy configuration type allows FIX clients to use all functionality offered by the TT FIX Adapter except for routing orders. Consequently, FIX clients can connect to a drop copy TT FIX Adapter to listen for order acknowledgments and fills.

Getting Started

To begin creating an order routing client application using TT FIX, you will need to:

FIX Compliance Feed

TT FIX drop copy includes a “Compliance Feed” option that enables customers to receive a full Order Audit Trail in FIX format for all FIX, screen and algo order flow occurring in the TT system.

When enabled, the drop copy server will synthesize in real-time the appropriate new order, cancel/replace, cancel and pending messages, including timestamps for each message accurate to the MIFID II RTS 25 standard, for all executions received on the customer’s drop copy feed.