7x FIX Migration - Drop Copy
7x FIX Migration - Drop Copy
7x FIX Migration - Drop Copy
This article is a 3 part series that highlights the major changes to migrate your FIX application from the 7x platform to the new TT platform. Below we will highlight the major changes to migrate your 7x drop copy feed to the TT drop copy service. The TT drop copy service supports FIX version 4.2 but also includes fields introduced in versions 4.3 through 5.0. Links to our messaging spec have been included for detailed usage of newly introduced repeating groups. Please see 7x order routing migration guide
We have broken down a single TT FIX drop copy execution report into 3 discussion topics:
- Filtering & Order Tracking
- Trader & Account Information
- Symbol & Contract Expiry
Filtering & Order Tracking
- ExecID [17] has been modified to populate the exchange’s execID when available.
- SecondaryExecID [10527] is deprecated and replaced with SecondaryExecID [527].
- SecondaryExecID [527] is new and populates the exchange’s execID [17] when provided by the exchange. This new field will allow spread leg fill matching not previously available in 7x.
- SecondaryOrderID [198] has been modified to populate the exchange’s OrderID [37].
- SecondaryClOrdID [526] is new and populates the exchange’s ClOrdID [11] when provided.
- TTClOrdID [10011] is new and populates a unique ID internal to TT System.
- OrderID [37] has been modified to populate the TT platform GUID.
Trader & Account Information
- FFT2 [16102] and FFT3 [16103] are deprecated and replaced using the Strategy Parameters Group.
- TT Username [10553] has been modified to be populated with the user’s TT Email Login.
- SenderSubID [50] has been modified to be populated with the user’s OperatorID.
- DelivertoSubID [129] is new and populates the user’s Alias.
- OrderOriginationID [16142] is deprecated and is replaced by SenderLocationID [142].
- ManualOrderIndicator [11028] is deprecated and replaced by ManualOrderIndicator [1028].
- AggressorIndicator [1057] is new and identifies whether the order initiator is an aggressor or not in the trade.
- ExecBroker [76] and ContraBroker [375] are deprecated and replaced using the PartyID Group which identifies and conveys information about the entities involved in the financial transaction.
- CustomerOrFirm [204] and Rule80A [47] are deprecated and replaced with OrderCapacity [528] and CustomerOrderCapacity [582] which will assist in identifying order capacity across multiple markets, and at the same time give more clarity when transferring a client's CTI code.
Symbol & Contract Expiry
- SecurityAltID [10455] is deprecated and replaced using Security Alt ID Group. This group provides alternate security ID’s for contracts such as RIC codes and exchange defined SecurityID’s.
- Symbol [55] has modified some exchange symbols, particularly replacing the ICE cleared alias with the exchange logical codes, BRN replaces IPE e-Brent.
- ExDestination [100] is new and populates the ISO MIC codes.
- SecurityType [167] has modified the field’s supported values.
- MaturityDate [541] is new and populates the instrument’s date of maturity in YYYYMMDD.
- ContractYearMonth [18223] is new and identifies the instrument's actual delivery month when it differs from expiration. For example, ICE Brent Crude Futures contracts will cease trading at the end of the designated settlement period on the last business day of the second month preceding the relevant contract month (e.g. the December contract month will expire on the last business day of October).
To assist in simplifying the integration effort, TT offers a FIX Rules Engine that allows your company’s administrator to define rules as well as symbol mappings.
Don’t support a FIX tag? Need to add an unsupported FIX tag or remap a tag’s value to another tag? Want to change symbology?
Managing FIX Profiles:
Configuring FIX Rules:
Configuring FIX symbol mappings: