The LegSecurityAltIDGrp group is used to identify a number alternate security identifiers for an instrument leg.
Click the links below to navigate to the documentation for that tag.
Tag # | Field Name | Req'd | Data type | Comments |
604 | NoLegSecurityAltID | C | int |
Replaces 7.X tag 146 (NoRelatedSym) Number of alternate leg security IDs contained in this repeating group Condition: Sent when there are one or more alternate leg security IDs |
> 605 | LegSecurityAltID | Y | String |
Replaces 7.X tag 10456 (UnderlyingSecurityAltID) Alternate ID for an instrument or security, typically for display purposes. |
> 606 | LegSecurityAltIDSource | Y | String |
New tag for TT Class or source of the LegSecurityAltID (605) value. Possible values include: