TT® FIX Order Routing

Identifying instruments in order-routing messages

Identifying instruments in order-routing messages

About this Section

This article contains a of variety some FIX message samples to help in constructing message requests. Currently, there are two types of messages covered:

Comparing 7X and TT FIX

Users familiar with 7x TT FIX Adapter should note the following changes in TT FIX:

  • All order routing formats now support 207 or 100 as a destination
  • Security by Name format now allows maturity to be tags 541 or 200
  • Tag 116 (OnBehalfSubID) is now required for all formats
  • Cancel on Disconnect functionality supported on day orders
  • Routing by Order ID (tag 22) is now supported by multiple sources

For more information on migrating from 7X FIX Adapter, refer to Migrating from FIX Adapter on the X_TRADER platform.

Identifying instruments in order-routing messages

When sending the instrument component block in a FIX client request, TT suggests using these methods as follows:

These methods can be used as follows:

  • You can use the security ID method for all cases.
  • You can only use the security Alt ID method for contracts for which the exchange populates Tag 455 (SecurityAltID).
  • You can use the security name method for all contracts on all exchanges except for ICE contracts that use daily, weekly, variable, and undefined delivery terms.

The examples below illustrate these methods for identifying an instrument when routing orders using TT FIX. These instrument IDs can be obtained using the TT FIX Security Definition Request (c).

Using the By Security ID method

ICE - BRN (Fut) by SecurityID using RIC tag 48

Sample Message

8=FIX.4.2 | 9=140 | 35=D | 49=jerome | 56=TT_ORDER | 34=15 | 52=20200331-19:11:54 | 11=971136390 | 21=1 | 40=1 | 38=10 | 1=jeromedc | 116=jhayes3 | 207=ICE | 54=1 | 55=BRN | 22=5 | 48=LCOM0 | 10=208 |

Tag Descriptions

You can identify the instrument by looking at the following tags and values:

Tag # Field Name Comments
22 ID Source

Indicates tag 48 contains a RIC code

48 Security ID

RIC code for ICE Brent Crude Future

ASX - IR(Opt) by SecurityID using RIC 22 & MIC 100

Sample Message

8=FIX.4.2 | 9=154 | 35=D | 49=jerome | 56=TT_ORDER | 34=9 | 52=20200331-19:16:21 | 11=2081087197 | 21=1 | 40=2 | 44=.125 | 38=10 | 1=jeromedc | 116=jhayes3 | 54=1 | 55=IR | 22=5 | 48=2YBA98875P0 | 100=XSFE | 10=166 |

Tag Descriptions

You can identify the instrument by looking at the following tags and values:

Tag # Field Name Comments
22 ID Source

Indicates tag 48 contains a RIC code

48 Security ID

RIC code for ASX’s 90 Day Bank Bill Options

100 ExDestination

MIC code for ASX/SFE

CFE - VX (Spread) by SecurityID using TT SecurityID tag 48

Sample Message

8=FIX.4.2 | 9=165 | 35=D | 49=jerome | 56=TT_ORDER | 34=22 | 52=20200331-19:21:13 | 11=2081087200 | 21=1 | 40=2 | 44=10 | 38=10 | 1=jeromedc | 116=jhayes3 | 207=CFE | 167=MLEG | 54=1 | 55=VX | 48=15468969677365711757 | 10=196 |

Tag Descriptions

You can identify the instrument by looking at the following tags and values:

Tag # Field Name Comments
167 SecurityType

Indicates a multiple leg spread

55 Symbol

Exchange product code

48 SecurityID

The TT security ID for the instrument.

TOCOM - GOLD (Opt) by SecurityID using Exchange Security ID tag 455

Sample Message

8=FIX.4.2 | 9=174 | 35=D | 49=jerome | 56=TT_ORDER | 34=54 | 52=20200528-18:12:06 | 11=302769332 | 21=1 | 54=1 | 40=2 | 44=100 | 38=5 | 1=jeromedc | 55=GOLD | 22=8 | 48=2PUT_GOLD_200625_5350 | 100=XTKT | 167=OPT | 116=jhayes3 | 10=233 |

Tag Descriptions

You can identify the instrument by looking at the following tags and values:

Tag # Field Name Comments
22 ID Source

Indicates tag 48 contains an exchange symbol

100 ExDestination

MIC code for Tokyo Commodity Exchange

48 SecurityID

TOCOM Gold Option.

Using the By Security AltID method

SGX - CN(Fut) by AltSecIDGrp using Alias tag 455

Sample Message

8=FIX.4.2 | 9=163 | 35=D | 49=jerome | 56=FFO | 34=28 | 52=20200605-03:04:35 | 11=1522046991 | 21=1 | 54=1 | 40=2 | 44=14335 | 38=5 | 1=jeromedc | 55=CN | 454=1 | 455=CN Sep20 | 456=97 | 207=SGX | 167=FUT | 116=jhayes3 | 10=009 |

Tag Descriptions

You can identify the instrument by looking at the following tags and values:

Tag # Field Name Comments
454 Number of Security Alt IDs

The number of alternate security IDs

455 Security Alt ID

The value of the alternate ID (CN Sep20)

456 Security Alt ID Source

The source of the alternate ID

CME - RTY (Fut) by AltSecIDGrp using Name tag 455

Sample Message

8=FIX.4.2 | 9=161 | 35=D | 49=jerome | 56=FFO | 34=41 | 52=20200605-03:10:14 | 11=1522046993 | 21=1 | 54=1 | 40=2 | 44=16650 | 38=5 | 1=jeromedc | 55=RTY | 454=1 | 455=RTYZ0 | 456=98 | 207=CME | 167=FUT | 116=jhayes3 | 10=160 |

Tag Descriptions

You can identify the instrument by looking at the following tags and values:

Tag # Field Name Comments
454 Number of Security Alt IDs

The number of alternate security IDs

455 Security Alt ID

The value of the alternate ID (RTYZ0)

456 Security Alt ID Source

The source of the alternate ID

Eurex - FDAX (Spread) by AltSecIDGrp using RIC tag 455

Sample Message

8=FIX.4.2 | 9=167 | 35=D | 49=jerome | 56=FFO | 34=50 | 52=20200605-03:13:52 | 11=1522046994 | 21=1 | 54=1 | 40=2 | 44=-.110 | 38=5 | 1=jeromedc | 55=FGBL | 454=1 | 455=FGBLU0-Z0 | 456=5 | 207=Eurex | 167=FUT | 116=jhayes3 | 10=121 |

Tag Descriptions

You can identify the instrument by looking at the following tags and values:

Tag # Field Name Comments
454 Number of Security Alt IDs

The number of alternate security IDs

455 Security Alt ID

The value of the alternate ID (FGBLU0-Z0)

456 Security Alt ID Source

The source of the alternate ID

Using the By Security Name method

CME - ZN (Fut) by Security Name using Symbol tag 55

Sample Message

8=FIX.4.2 | 9=144 | 35=D | 49=jerome | 56=FFO | 34=67 | 52=20200605-03:19:36 | 11=1522047000 | 1=jeromedc | 116=jhayes3 | 40=2 | 44=136.50 | 38=3 | 55=ZN | 200=202009 | 167=FUT | 207=CME | 54=1 | 10=224 |

Tag Descriptions

You can identify the instrument by looking at the following tags and values:

Tag # Field Name Comments
207 Exchange

Set the exchange as CME

167 Security type

Sets the security type as Futures

200 Maturity Date

Sets the maturity year and month

55 Symbol

Sets the instrument symbol as the 10-year treasury note

MX - BAX (Spread) by Security Name using repeating group tag 555

Sample Message

8=FIX.4.2 | 9=245 | 35=D | 49=jerome | 56=FFO | 34=81 | 52=20200605-03:25:16 | 116=jhayes3 | 1=jeromedc | 11=1522047003 | 55=BAX | 54=2 | 40=2 | 44=-.365 | 38=20 | 207=MX | 167=MLEG | 762=Calendar | 555=2 | 600=BAX | 610=202006 | 623=1 | 624=1 | 609=FUT | 616=MX | 600=BAX | 610=202009 | 623=1 | 624=2 | 609=FUT | 616=MX | 10=060 |

Tag Descriptions

You can identify the instrument by looking at the following tags and values:

Tag # Field Name Comments
Parent Order
55 Symbol

Three-month Canadian Bankers' Acceptance Futures

207 Exchange

Sets the exchange as Montreal Exchange

167 Security type

Sets the security type as a multi-leg instrument

762 Security sub-type

Sets the instrument as a calendar spread

Child Orders
555 Number of Legs

Set this instrument as a two-legged spread

Child Orders - Leg 1
600 Leg symbol

Three-Month Canadian Bankers' Acceptance Futures (BAX).

609 Leg Security type

Sets the security type as Futures

610 Leg maturity year and month

Sets the maturity year and month for this leg

616 Leg security exchange

Sets the security exchange as Montreal Exchange for this leg

Child Orders - Leg 2
600 Leg symbol

Three-Month Canadian Bankers' Acceptance Futures (BAX).

609 Leg Security type

Sets the security type as Futures

610 Leg maturity year and month

Sets the maturity year and month for this leg

616 Leg security exchange

Sets the security exchange as Montreal Exchange for this leg