TT supports the following order types natively supported by Eurex:
TT supports the following Time-in-Force order restrictions (TIF) natively supported by Eurex:
TT supports the following product types available at Eurex:
The following table shows exchange restrictions per supported Eurex order type:
Order Type | Unsupported TIF | Unsupported Product Type | Unsupported Products |
Limit | none | On Close: Options, Spreads, Strategies | IOC: Single Stock Futures; On Close: FEO1, FEU3 |
Market | IOC | Spreads, Strategies; Options (On Close only) | On Close: FEO1, FEU3 |
Stop Market | IOC, On Close | Options, Spreads, Strategies | Day: FEO1, FEU3 |
Stop Limit | IOC, GTC, GTDate, On Close | Options, Spreads, Strategies | Day: FEO1, FEU3 |
OCO | IOC, GTC, GTDate, On Close | Options, Spreads, Strategies | none |
Book Or Cancel | IOC, GTC, GTDate, On Close | none | none |