MOEX Overview

The Moscow Exchange (MOEX) is the result of the merger between Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX) and Russian Trading System (RTS), and supports trading of equities, bonds, currencies, and derivatives products. Futures and options contracts trade on the MOEX Derivatives Market comprising the FORTS Derivatives Market for equity, FX, and commodity contracts, and the MICEX Derivatives Market for currency and interest rates futures.

MOEX Exchange API

TT® supports the following:

  • Prices: FAST
  • Orders: FIX

MOEX Orders and Prices

MOEX uses standard FIX 4.4 for orders and FIX drop copy, and uses FAST encoding and UDP multicast delivery for prices.

Supported MOEX Products and Functionality

TT supports all products available on the derivatives markets, which includes RTS Index and RTS USD/RUB products. All available MOEX trading functionality is also supported.

MOEX Trading Hours

Exchange schedule (MSK, UTC+3):

  • Morning Session: 08:30 - 08:45
  • Main Session: 08.45 - 16:15
  • Evening Clearing: 16:45
  • Intermediate Clearing: 13:30 - 13:34
  • Evening Session: 16:45 - 02:20

Cancel on Disconnect

TT supports the exchange's Cancel on Disconnect functionality per connection using the Cancel Orders on Disconnect setting.

Connectivity Options

The TT® platform provides connectivity to the exchange, so you do not have to contact the exchange regarding connectivity options. Refer to TT Access for more details about your connectivity options for connecting to TT.