Per account, administrators can use the Restrictions tab to restrict whether users can manually update positions on the account or use the account to submit certain order types. These restrictions also apply to the account's child (sub) accounts and are enforced even if the account is shared with another company. When an account is created, the restriction options are set to Deny by default. When an account is cloned, the same restrictions are set for the cloned account.
To set account restrictions:
Note: When Apply Restrictions is checked (enabled), selecting Deny in the Account Restrictions section will restrict any user from using the related functionality in this account or any of its sub-accounts regardless of the user's specific settings. All account permissions are set to Deny by default.
Note: This setting restricts manual position changes on the account and does not restrict automatic Start of Day (SOD) position updates.
Note: Highlighted settings are the active restrictions of this account or any parent account.