New features are production released in a phased rollout to our globally distributed system. Therefore, a feature may be listed here which has not yet reached your workspace(s). However all of these features are available at
Date | Type | Component | Release Note |
10/31/2018 |
Improvements |
Order Book |
Added the Position-In-Queue (PIQ) column to the floating order book (aka FOB). |
10/26/2018 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Added a new field, "Throttle Limit Percentage" to Eurex and EEX Connections->Additional Settings tab. Administrators can configure the connection for either Throttle Limit Percentage or Max Order Rate, but not both. |
10/26/2018 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Added a new field "SMP ID" to Users->Exchanges->MEFF->Order Routing tab. Administrators can use this field to configure self match prevention id. |
10/26/2018 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Added a new field, "Algo Name" to Order Tag Defaults. This field is enabled if ADL is selected as the "Algo Type" and it allows user overrides on exchange-specific user or account fields for each algo. |
10/26/2018 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
As of Jan 1 2019, all users subscribing to HKEX, Euronext and LME market data are required to sign market data agreements before being able to view market data for these markets. These agreements can be signed from the User- >Agreements tab in the Setup application. The Trade application will also prompt for a market data agreement if it is not already signed. Customers wishing to sign this agreement before the Jan 1 deadline can do so from within Setup (User- >Agreements). |
10/26/2018 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
In the Setup User settings, "TT SCORE Admin" and "TT SCORE Account Admin" checkboxes have been moved from "Admin Permissions" section to a new section, "TT SCORE Permissions". |
10/26/2018 |
Improvements |
Exchanges |
SGX now provides the transaction time in nanoseconds on Trade Capture Reports |
10/26/2018 |
Improvements |
Exchanges |
Added support for RFQs to TOCOM and OSE markets |
10/25/2018 |
Improvements |
Options |
Local Fills are now reflected in Options Risk and Risk Matrix. This allows users to enter theoretical positions in order to view the risk characteristics, without affecting true positions or limits. |
10/24/2018 |
Improvements |
Market Grid |
Added support in Market Grid for detailed depth in preparation of the upcoming launch of Nasdaq Fixed Income (NFI) (formerly eSpeed) exchange. |
10/22/2018 |
Fixes |
Options |
Corrected an issue which prevented Risk Matrix from retaining the selected product or expiry in dropdown menu after a refresh. |
10/22/2018 |
Improvements |
Fills |
You can now copy selected fill rows from the Fills widget using a new "Copy" button for further pasting into external applications such as Excel. Unlike the right click menu "Export rows" feature, the pasted output of copied rows do not include a header row, but just includes the row data. Note that as part of this change, using Ctrl + C to copy row data from other grid widgets such as Order Book, Audit Trail will now also behave the same as the Fills widget and will not include a header row in the pasted output. |
10/19/2018 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Setup administrators can now configure different types of inbound drop copy sessions using the FIX Session->FIX Type->Drop Copy IN->Sub Type field. Full support for this feature will be rolled out shortly. |
10/19/2018 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Setup administrators can now choose to always send head fills before leg fills by checking the "Force Sending of Head fills before Leg Fills" checkbox under Order Routing and Drop Copy OUT FIX session tabs. |
10/19/2018 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Added the the ability to Setup to filter the Users data grid by the following settings - Disable Trading, TT Score Admin, TT Score Account Admin, Advanced Options, Rest API, Requires Permission to Run Own Algos and Algo Approver. Administrators can enable these columns under Grid Options->Show/Hide Columns. |
10/17/2018 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
You can now use a hotkey to launch the Order Ticket preset as a Cross order from Market Grid. |
10/17/2018 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
You can now use Order Profiles to define order entry seeding rules for Autospreader and Aggregator orders. |
10/16/2018 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
To speed up order entry in MD Trader and Order Ticket when using a custom ADL algo, the first edit box in the parameter flyout panel now gains focus ready to accept input from the keyboard. |
10/12/2018 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added an XML comment including date of publication and internal version information to TT's public XML schema files. Example below: |
10/11/2018 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
TT Stop order placement now considers the best bid/ask price when evaluating the proposed trigger price, allowing you to place TT stops at current bid/ask price levels when the last traded price (LTP) has not yet also moved along with the inside market. Previously only the last traded price (LTP) was considered. Native stops continue with the same logic as before and only consider the LTP in relation to the proposed trigger price. |
10/09/2018 |
Improvements |
Order Book |
The Orders and Fills widget (OFW) now includes a new "view" column (containing "eyeball" toggle buttons) that is used to drive the data displayed in the bottom fills and positions panes. This change fundamentally separates the actions of "selecting" orders for order modification and/or cancel actions using the check box column and "viewing" filled and partially filled orders in the bottom two panes. Although native to the OFW, this column also becomes visible whenever the Order Book belongs to a group widget. |
10/09/2018 |
Improvements |
Positions |
In the Positions widget, the "Account" and "Exch" column filter drop downs now show all accounts/exchanges the user has access to, not just the ones that currently have positions. |
10/05/2018 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added new order type enums to tag 40 as follows |
10/05/2018 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Corrected an issue where Tag 10553, trader name, was missing from execution reports generated for an internal Position Transfer. |
10/05/2018 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added a new tag, 16612, UniqueExecID, which will contain a TT-generated execution ID in the form of a short-form GUID, 22-characters in length. |
10/05/2018 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Corrected an issue with tag 461, CFI code matching where the product type specified position 1 was not always interpreted correctly as a 'F'uture or 'M'ultileg product. |
10/05/2018 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Optimized FIX processing related to instrument lookups that could sometimes cause ocassional spikes in order latency. |
10/05/2018 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Fixed an issue that allows FIX Profile Symbol Mapping rules to correctly handle embedded space within the symbol by replacing the trailing space with an underscore in the configuration screen, e.g. for incoming "55=S X8 Comdty", the client product field in TTUS must be entered as "S_". |
10/05/2018 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Corrected an issue where Tag 41 was not included on execution reports after a FIX client logs out and logs back in |
10/05/2018 |
Improvements |
Spread Matrix |
You can now launch the floating order book (FOB) on working orders in Spread Matrix. |
10/04/2018 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
Added a "Sell Market" hotkey to MD Trader (Shift + F12), and changed the TT default mappings for "Combo Join the Bid and Offer" and "Cancel working orders" and "Abandon OCO" to prevent possible conflicts. |
10/01/2018 |
Improvements |
Autotrader |
We have added a new "Autotrader II" widget that provides a redesigned layout for launching and managing algo orders. The new widget is available in parallel with the existing Autotrader widget for ease of transition to the new version, and will eventually replace the existing Autotrader. |
10/01/2018 |
Improvements |
MD Trader |
You can now mark important price levels on the MD Trader ladder by holding down the Alt key while simultaneously left clicking on a price cell. Performing the same action again on the price cell will remove the coloring. The color can be customized in the MD Trader settings. |