New features are production released in a phased rollout to our globally distributed system. Therefore, a feature may be listed here which has not yet reached your workspace(s). However all of these features are available at
Date | Type | Component | Release Note |
02/27/2019 |
Improvements |
Order Book |
The Order Book and Orders and Fills widget (OFW) now have optional columns to display Bid. Ask, LTP and 'Ticks in Front'. The Ticks in Front value is the number of ticks between the price of the order and the inside market. For example, a buy order working one tick below the bid will display 1; a sell order working at the best ask price will display 0. |
02/27/2019 |
Improvements |
Options |
TT has introduced the Volatility Calculator widget for Advanced Options users. Vol Calculator can be launched from any displayed Option instrument in the platform and can be used to calculate the Theoretical Value and Implied Volatility of an Option at any underlying price. For quicker and easier use, Vol Calculator can be used as a Linked Widget, or as part of a Grouped Widget. |
02/27/2019 |
Improvements |
General |
The Market Explorer now has advanced searching capabilities for locating specific Spreads, Options or Strategies. Clicking on 'More' at the bottom left of the widget exposes additional search fields such as Term, Combo Type and Strike. |
02/27/2019 |
Improvements |
Algos |
You can now use the "Multi" account picker in Algo Dashboard to select multiple accounts when submitting algo orders for Autospreader and Aggregator instruments. |
02/27/2019 |
Improvements |
Added support for the first version of the Analytics block in ADL in the production-simulation environment. This includes time bars (historical + live). Support for technical indicators will follow in a subsequent release. |
02/26/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Adding paging capability to the /position endpoint. |
02/26/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Updated the following endpoints to accept a list instead of a single element. All applications that utilize these endpoints will have to be updated. |
02/26/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added a new endpoint (GET /user/{userId}/loginhistory) to allow for the extraction of a user's login history. |
02/26/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added new fields to the GET /user/{userId} and POST /user endpoints to allow for the extraction and updating of managed-user information. |
02/26/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added endpoints (GET /user/<userId>/settings and POST /user/settings) to allow for the extraction and updating of a user's settings. |
02/26/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added a new endpoint (GET /Risk/User/{Userid}/marketdata) to allow for the extraction of subscriber market data fields. |
02/26/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added a new endpoint (GET /user/{userId}/agreements) to allow for the extraction of user agreements. |
02/26/2019 |
Improvements |
General |
You can now set range based (aka Min/Max) filters on price columns in Order Book, Orders and Fills widget (OFW), Fills widget and Audit Trail. Note that because price display formats vary by product, you must also filter by a product or contract in order to apply a price filter. |
02/25/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
FIX tag 609, LegSecurityType, has added the following defined values: Production Release: 03/08/2019 |
02/25/2019 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
Reduced the minimum interval to 10 ms for TT Slicer order types (previously the minimum was 100 ms). |
02/25/2019 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
NOTE: All FIX Services were deployed to UAT at EOD Feb. 22, 2019. Production releases dates have moved out (1) week from the previous notice sent on 2/25/19. Production Release: 03/08/2019 |
02/25/2019 |
Improvements |
Trade App on TT (desktop) |
The "temporary login" option has been removed from the lock out screen when logging in with the TT Desktop OpenFin version (aka TTD1). That version is no longer supported and users must upgrade to the newer version of TT Desktop (aka TTD2). |
02/25/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
The default Reconnect Time Interval for all Inbound Drop Copy FIX Session types has been set to 15 seconds. Production Release: 03/08/2019 |
02/25/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Tag 57, TargetSubID, is an optional tag that may be included by FIX Clients in the Logon (35=A) message header. Production Release: 03/08/2019 |
02/25/2019 |
Improvements |
Order Book |
The Order Book and Orders and Fills widget (OFW) now allows you to edit start and end date/times for TT Order Types on working orders. |
02/25/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added LastMkt (tag 30) to replace tag 100 on FIX 4.4 TradeCaptureReports. No change in behavior for FIX 4.2. Production Release: 03/08/2019 |
02/22/2019 |
Fixes |
Autospreader |
Fixed an issue that resulted in Autospreader abandoning GTC quote orders after the weekend maintenance period. |
02/22/2019 |
Improvements |
General |
You can now set widgets to display "always on top" of other widgets in the window using a right click context menu now available on the widget titlebar. |
02/22/2019 |
Improvements |
Order Book |
TT has completed the first phase of several planned enhancement phases to Care Order handling (aka Stage orders). This first phase matches feature parity with the legacy 7.x platform, and includes: |
02/22/2019 |
Improvements |
Orders |
You can now quickly reduce the total quantity of multiple orders working at the same price level in MD Trader by right-clicking on the working quantity cell and entering the new desired total quantity at that price. TT will delete the newest orders (to maintain the best position-in-queue) until the total quantity of the remaining orders matches your desired lower total quantity. |
02/20/2019 |
Improvements |
Order Book |
Fixed an issue where the working quantity field in the Order Book (and Order and Fills widget) was not always updating correctly. Note that as part of change, the working quantity field will display only the quantity of orders that are actually in the market, e.g., a 10 lot native Iceberg order that discloses 1 at a time will display 1 in the working quantity field, and a non-triggered native Stop order will show the working quantity as zero (blank). This behavior is consistent with the values displayed in the MD Trader working order cells and also matches how TT Order Types display. The order quantity field will display the full quantity of the order. |
02/20/2019 |
Improvements |
MD Trader |
MD Trader now displays the buy/sell quantities of timed orders set to start in the future. Timed orders that have a defined price are displayed in the working orders column, with the order quantity in the "U" field (undisclosed). Timed orders that do not have a current price, such as timed market orders, or relative priced orders, e.g., based on the Bid price later in the session, are displayed as call outs on the 'Work' column header, in blue and red backgrounds respectively. |
02/19/2019 |
Improvements |
Spread Matrix |
Spread Matrix default font size is now slightly larger and the default colors are now a closer match to the 7.x legacy colors. As part of this change, you can now increase/decrease the Spread Matrix font size by holding down Ctrl+Shift and left mouse drag up/down, similar to how MD Trader behaves. |
02/19/2019 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
TT added support for Risk Groups, which will allow brokers to manage risk for a customer who may execute through multiple routing accounts across more than one carry broker. Decoupled from traditional TT account hierarchy, this feature allows for more robust monitoring of customer risk and exposure across multiple brokers and accounts. Full support for this feature will be rolled out shortly. |
02/15/2019 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Setup administrators can now enable enable position in queue for FIX sessions by checking the "Enable Position in Queue (PIQ)" checkbox on FIX Order Routing sessions. Full support for this feature will be rolled out shortly. |
02/15/2019 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Setup administrators can now choose to delay stage order acknowledgment until the order is claimed by checking the "Delay Staged Order Ack until Claimed" checkbox on FIX Order routing sessions. Full support for this feature will be rolled out shortly. |
02/15/2019 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Updated EEX optional, user-defined text fields under User->Order Routing. Administrators will now be able to configure Text 1 and Text 3 fields for EEX users. This change corresponds to similar a change on the exchange to their free text fields. |
02/14/2019 |
Improvements |
Time & Sales |
Time and Sales now has the option to display trade timestamps with microsecond precision. |
02/12/2019 |
Improvements |
Algos |
Algo parent orders that do not designate a buy/sell side, such as OMA algos, are now displayed with black text rather than blue or red for buy and sell. |
02/12/2019 |
Improvements |
General |
You can now set the color of widget tabs. |
02/12/2019 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
TT has added support for custom fields in User Setup. This feature allows company administrators to set labels and values that are specific to their users and companies. As part of this feature, TT has added the "Organization" field that can be used by administrators to group users. This field will be required for all new new users. |
02/11/2019 |
Improvements |
Algos |
For algo templates, to more clearly indicate that the "<Default>" template is not actually a template but instead means use the parameters that were set at design time of the algo, we have renamed this item in the Template dropdown list to be "<none>". |
02/08/2019 |
Improvements |
General |
An additional field has been added to the Generic TT Format, TT Execution ID. This is a TT defined execution identifier. |
02/08/2019 |
Improvements |
Strategy Creation |
TT will support strategy creation on ASX exchange. All User Defined Combinations (UDC) will be supported, including both fixed leg and net price strategies and can be generated and RFQ'd uding the Strategy Creation widget. |
02/07/2019 |
Improvements |
Autotrader |
Enhanced Autotrader to: (1) Honor the global algo disconnect action when adding new rows, (2) Use expiry-based sorting on contract columns, (3) Convert text strings such as "True", False", "Leave", Cancel" into their drop down equivalent when pasted from static Excel-copied data. |
02/07/2019 |
Fixes |
Autotrader |
Autotrader now indicates when a cell contains an invalid or unsupported value upon a copy/paste action of static data from Excel. |
02/07/2019 |
Improvements |
Options |
RFQ Viewer now includes an optional column to display total volume traded for each instrument in the current session. |
02/07/2019 |
Improvements |
General |
TT One mode now includes the Order Profiles widget and two additional TT Order Types: TT Iceberg and TT Timed. |
02/06/2019 |
Improvements |
General |
You can now search the Account List with alias names when they are locally applied to accounts. |
02/06/2019 |
Improvements |
Excel Linking |
Algo Dashboard no longer supports the ability to link values from Excel into ATDL algo parameter fields. Excel values intended to drive algo parameters can now only be linked into Autotrader cells. |
02/05/2019 |
Improvements |
Spread Matrix |
In Spread Matrix, you can now optionally hide the cancel order buttons. |
02/05/2019 |
Improvements |
Market Grid |
Market Grid now has an optional column that displays a cancel button to cancel all orders working in that contract. |
02/04/2019 |
Improvements |
Order Book |
The Floating Order Book (FOB) now contains an optional "OrigDate" column. |
02/04/2019 |
Improvements |
MD Trader |
You can now customize the buy/sell text color on orders displayed in the MD Trader working column. |
02/01/2019 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Fixed an issue in the FIX Market Data / Security Data service that could cause a crash while processing outbound messages. Production Release: 02/01/2019 |
02/01/2019 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Fixed an issue in the FIX Drop Copy service that could sometimes cause fill delivery to be delayed for an extended period. Production Release: 02/01/2019 |
02/01/2019 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Position transfer can now be enabled only for accounts in companies that are directly billed. If a non-direct-billed administrator tries to enable position transfer, they will see the message "The selected order cross prevention type is not valid when the company is not directly billed" when they try to save. |
02/01/2019 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Setup now allows administrators to select a CME connection type that directs orders for Bursa Malaysia Derivatives products through a dedicated Market Segment Gateway iLink. Full support for this feature will be rolled out shortly. |
02/01/2019 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
The order entry confirmation dialog now displays the stop trigger price for TT OCO orders. |
02/01/2019 |
Improvements |
General |
You can now drag-and-drop instruments -- either individual instruments or multiple selections -- from grid-based widgets to another. Sources include Market Grid, Order Book, Fills, Audit Trail, Watch List, Options Trade Monitor, RFQ Viewer. Drop locations include Market Grid, MD Trader, Chart, Watch List, Strategy Creation, Block Trader, Time and Sales and ASE/Aggregator Leg Builder. This is our first addition of drag-and-drop to the application, and we plan to add additional capabilities to this in the future. |
02/01/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added several endpoints to allow for the uploading of SOD records. |
02/01/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Enhanced the POST /ordertagdefaults to allow multiple updates to be submitted at once. |
02/01/2019 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
When setting a market order as the child order type for TT algos such as TT Timed, TT Time Sliced, the main price input control on the Order Ticket is now disabled and grayed out, similar to the behavior when simply selecting Market as a native order type. |