New features are production released in a phased rollout to our globally distributed system. Therefore, a feature may be listed here which has not yet reached your workspace(s). However all of these features are available at
Date | Type | Component | Release Note |
03/31/2021 |
Improvements |
Excel Linking |
Removed the File menu link to download the Excel Add-In BETA version. Only the latest version of the add-in is available for use. (Ref 127186) |
03/30/2021 |
Fixes |
TT Rest API |
Fixed an issue where the productPosition query parameter is not being transferred to the back end in the /positions endpoint. (Ref 127348) Production Release: 04/01/2021 |
03/30/2021 |
Fixes |
TT Rest API |
Fixed an issue where requesting positions via /positions for a given account returns positions for all accounts. (Ref 127347) Production Release: 04/01/2021 |
03/30/2021 |
Improvements |
Aggregator |
Enhancement made to Autospreader to support multiple account settings within a single component leg. This enables Aggregator to assign different accounts to each of it's component legs when used as part of an Autospreader. (Ref 127130) |
03/30/2021 |
Improvements |
Autospreader |
Resolved issue where the incorrect time/date was being displayed for client time sent (OrigiTime). (Ref 127129) |
03/24/2021 |
Improvements |
Exchanges |
1. FEX market is available on TT platform for trading. (Ref 127172) |
03/23/2021 |
Fixes |
Market Data |
Last Trading Date will be corrected for the following products on the Montreal Exchange: (Ref 126836) |
03/19/2021 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
FIX Services for the v139 release have been deployed in UAT since Feb. 20. (Ref 125919) |
03/18/2021 |
Improvements |
Score |
Updated Score URLs: TT Score has migrated to new simplified URLs which are available to use now. The old URLs are being retired. Please bookmark the new URLS. (Ref 127045) |
03/16/2021 |
Fixes |
TT Rest API |
Fixed an issue whereby the value of the 'lastPage' variable for the ttmonitor endpoints was incorrect. (Ref 126732) Production Release: 03/18/2021 |
03/10/2021 |
Improvements |
Orders |
Order passing capabilities have been extended to include passing TT Order Types and Autospreader orders. (Ref 89862) |
03/10/2021 |
Fixes |
Autospreader |
Resolved Order Tag Default issue which could lead to synthetic orders which control Autospreader or Aggregator instruments failing to start. (Ref 126397) |
03/10/2021 |
Improvements |
Autospreader |
When an Autospreader contains an Aggregator instrument as a leg, you can now configure separate accounts for each Aggregator leg. (Ref 125160) |
03/10/2021 |
Improvements |
Charts |
Charts now allow you to create, copy and save product level custom trading time schedules using the Trading Schedule widget. (Ref 124747) |
03/10/2021 |
Improvements |
MD Trader |
MD Trader now supports displaying Volume at Price (VAP) for synthetic Autospreader instruments. (Ref 124744) |
03/10/2021 |
Fixes |
General |
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused minimized widgets to restore in a blank state. (Ref 124743) |
03/10/2021 |
Improvements |
MD Trader |
In MD Trader after middle-click is performed to re-center, the action of typing a new number will now overwrite the order quantity value instead of appending to the value currently present in the order quantity edit box. (Ref 124716) |
03/10/2021 |
Improvements |
Fills |
You can now submit manual fills in accounts that are not mapped to a connection, e.g., an account used exclusively for staged orders. (Ref 124714) |
03/10/2021 |
Improvements |
Options |
The RFQ Viewer widget now supports LME. (Ref 124712) |
03/10/2021 |
Fixes |
Orders |
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the order type to reset to Limit for a staged Stop Limit order. (Ref 124710) |
03/10/2021 |
Improvements |
Time & Sales |
Time and Sales widget now supports three levels of quantity filtering. The global quantity filter applies to both lived updates and historical data. New quantity filters at the product level and instrument level will filter live updates but will not apply to historical records. (Ref 124610) |
03/02/2021 |
Fixes |
TT Rest API |
Fixed an issue in the POST endpoint for interproduct spreads. (Ref 126335) Production Release: 03/04/2021 |
03/02/2021 |
Fixes |
Algos |
Resolved issue where synthetic orders did not honour amendments to relative price settings (Limit Ticks Away) whilst in a 'waiting' status. (Ref 126299) |
03/02/2021 |
Fixes |
Autospreader |
Resolved Autospreader instrument subscription issue which could affect algos that drive Autospreaders preventing them from initiating, (Ref 126298) |
03/02/2021 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added the "isin" and "instrumentId" fields to the PDS /instruments and /instrument endpoints. (Ref 126149) Production Release: 03/04/2021 |
03/02/2021 |
Fixes |
Algos |
Resolved issue that could lead to synthetic orders not honouring their end time action post algo server recovery. (Ref 125575) |