New features are production released in a phased rollout to our globally distributed system. Therefore, a feature may be listed here which has not yet reached your workspace(s). However all of these features are available at
Date | Type | Component | Release Note |
06/29/2019 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Fixed an issue where OnBehalfOfSubID [116] was missing on compliance AB/D messages for rejects. Production Release: 08/02/2019 Version: v58 |
06/29/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added LinkID Repeating Group fields (16112/16113/16114) from Execution Report message to Compliance D/AB/G/AC messages for TT Synthetic / ADL / Staged Child Orders. for Rejects, (150=8). Production Release: 08/02/2019 Version: v58 |
06/29/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added a new Party Role, tag 452=222, "Algo Strategy Type". This party role allows FIX orders to override the TOCOM Algo Strategy Type configured in TTUS on FIX order messages. See Setup help for TOCOM Account/Exchange settings for supported values. Production Release: 08/02/2019 Version: v58 |
06/29/2019 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Fixed an issue where some FIX market data sessions could receive an "unable to connect" error on login due to waiting on Setup data download. Production Release: 08/02/2019 Version: v58 |
06/29/2019 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Fixed an issue where some Execution Reports sent in response to Order Status Request (35 = H) were missing tag 37. Production Release: 08/02/2019 Version: v58 |
06/29/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added a new Party Role, tag 452=221, "Give-up Qualifier". This party role allows FIX orders to override the CME Give-up code configured in TTUS on FIX order messages. Set tag 448 value to "SX" when mutually offsetting to SGX. Set 448 to "GU" for all other Give-ups on CME. Production Release: 08/02/2019 Version: v58 |
06/29/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Add TT Product ID to tag 456, SecurityAltID, group for 35=d messages *only*. Production Release: 08/02/2019 Version: v58 |
06/28/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Order Types |
TT Order Types now support specifying a market state (Pre-Open or Open) as the Start time for submitting the order. This option is available in the Precondition details section. |
06/27/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Add support for a new delivery term enum value to tags 18211 and 18212 in the FIX XML schema file:: Production Release: 07/01/2019 Version: v52 |
06/27/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Fixed an issue in the FIX Back Office session recovery logic used to calculate the window used for identifying sent/unsent messages which was causing an excessive amount of historical fill data to be retrieved at login time. Production Release: 06/29/2019 Version: v52 |
06/27/2019 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
The Order Entry ticket when configured as "Broker mode" with the large single Buy (or sell) button now provides a "Flip for <sell/buy>" toggle button to more clearly indicate the ability to quickly switch the direction of the main buy/sell button. |
06/27/2019 |
Improvements |
General |
You can now drag and drop strategies from the Strategy Creation widget into Market Grid, Watchlist and MD Trader. |
06/27/2019 |
Improvements |
General |
The Order Profiles widget and the Audit Trail now include an optional column for setting and displaying ICE "MiFID ID" values. |
06/27/2019 |
Improvements |
Positions |
The Positions widget titlebar now displays the currency code current setting. |
06/27/2019 |
Improvements |
Positions |
Position Manager now displays a timestamp of when manual fills are created. |
06/27/2019 |
Improvements |
Market Grid |
Market Grid now includes an optional "InstrumentID" column. |
06/27/2019 |
Improvements |
Positions |
The Positions widget now includes an optional "Net Liquidation" column which displays the sum of the starting Balance and the PnL for the current day. |
06/27/2019 |
Improvements |
Added RTD support for extracting orders and fills. See the help documentation for further details and formula syntax. |
06/27/2019 |
Improvements |
General |
Percentage based columns such as "% Filled" in the Order Book, "BalanceUsed%" in the Positions widget, etc. no longer redundantly display a "%" symbol after the value in each row data cell. |
06/27/2019 |
Improvements |
General |
You can now filter the Order Book and Orders and Fills widget (OFW) on the "ExchAcct" column. |
06/25/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Order Types |
Implemented a Time Duration algo to allow users to slice a larger quantity into smaller orders by defining the total time desired to achieve the total goal quantity. |
06/24/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Enhanced security such that only TLS 1.2 connections will be allowed. Production Release: 07/12/2019 |
06/21/2019 |
Fixes |
Autospreader |
Fixed issue where Autospreader was not leaning on the indicative prices during the pre-open market even when the 'Lean on Indicative' setting was enabled in the spread config. |
06/21/2019 |
Improvements |
Exchanges |
Fixed an issue where OSE JGBL options had an incorrect product alias. Unlike the other OSE options, JGBL is sent to TT with an expiration date of June. TT now adds one calendar month to these options to correct the alias name. |
06/14/2019 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
In order to provide additional control for company admins, TT has added an account-level setting to check for duplicate orders. A duplicate order consists of an identical instrument and price. This check can be defined by each company administrator as the number of duplicate orders within a specified time frame. |
06/13/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
In prior versions, a status code of 200 is returned for all requests. In this version, 400 and 500 status codes are being returned for error conditions. Production Release: 07/12/2019 |
06/13/2019 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added POST /report/admin and POST /report/risk endpoints to expose the data provided by TTUS reports. Production Release: 07/12/2019 |
06/11/2019 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
FIxed an issue with FIX drop copy download of account data from TT Setup, where more data was being downloaded than was necessary, leading to long download times and session disconnects for some FIX Clients. Production Release: 06/29/2019 Version: v52 |
06/10/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
In order to make Instrument block usage more consistent across all supported message types, tags 107, 460, 607 and 620 will be included where applicable on FIX Market Data (35=W, 35=X), Security Definition (35=d), Security Status (35=f) and QuoteRequest (35=R) messages. Production Release: 06/10/2019 Version: v52 |
06/10/2019 |
Fixes |
The package TT.NET.SDK.ClientSide was recently published on NuGet Gallery. It includes a few fixes for routing algos. |
06/10/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
In order to make Instrument block usage more consistent across all supported message types, tags 107, 460, 607 and 620 may now be sent on Execution Report messages (35=8). Production Release: 06/10/2019 Version: v52 |
06/10/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
In order to make Instrument block usage more consistent across all supported message types, tags 460, 607 and 620 may now be sent on 35=AE and 35=AR messages. Production Release: 06/10/2019 Version: v52 |
06/10/2019 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
When "Compliance Feed" is enabled on a FIX Drop Copy OUT session type, tags 100, 107, 207, 460, 607 and 620 will be included when applicable on 35=D, 35=G, 35=AB, 35=AC and 35=F messages. (corrected 6-10-19) Production Release: 06/10/2019 Version: v52 |
06/07/2019 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
In the Setup App, admins will see three new fields within the Users->Custom Fields tab, labelled Billing 1, Billing 2, and Billing 3. These are optional, free-form text fields. The values entered can be used to segregate Users into separate billing groups. |
06/06/2019 |
Improvements |
Autospreader Rules |
Increased the maximum allowed value for both the Inside and Outside Throttle values in the (TT) Quote Throttle Autospreader Rule. |
06/04/2019 |
Fixes |
Exchanges |
Fixed an issue in ASX where the required "Account Type" field was sent as "Client" if not specified in User Setup or the FIX message. Now if account type is not specified, the order will be rejected. FIX tag 528 can also be used to populate Account Type values for FIX clients. |
06/04/2019 |
Fixes |
Orders |
Fixed an issue where some fields required account settings in Setup. All required ASX fields can now be sent from a FIX connection without corresponding Setup fields. |