New features are production released in a phased rollout to our globally distributed system. Therefore, a feature may be listed here which has not yet reached your workspace(s). However all of these features are available at
Date | Type | Component | Release Note |
03/31/2020 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added an option to check FIX drop copy and order routing sessions, to send only the clearing fill (a/k/a the BD6 fill) on OM markets. Version: v98 |
03/27/2020 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
We will be making a breaking change such that all /pds endpoints will require two new mandatory parameters: a token in the header and a requestId passed as a query string. These parameters are already mandatory for all other endpoints and discussed in detail here. Their inclusion will help in making the API more robust as well as assist us in pinpointing issues that occur. We are targeting to deploy these changes to our User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment on June 19 and to production on June 26. Customers are advised to update and test their applications prior to the production release dates. TT will be releasing updated versions of the TT REST API sample applications by June 19. Production Release: 03/27/2020 |
03/27/2020 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Setup administrators can now allow modification of exchange clearing account on a working order and filled order by checking "Modify clearing account on working orders (ASX only)" and "Modify clearing accounts on fill" checkboxes under User->Account and Account->User permissions. These permissions can also be configured under Account restrictions. |
03/27/2020 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Setup administrators can now choose to reset FIX sessions on Sunday. Previously FIX sessions were allowed to be reset Monday through Saturday. |
03/26/2020 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Fixed an issue where a FIX Market Data session would stop sending market data but remain connected and continue sending heartbeats. Version: v98 |
03/26/2020 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added support for tag 818, SecondaryTradeReportID in Trade Capture Report (AE) and Trade Capture Report Ack (AR) message types. Version: v98 |
03/26/2020 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added support for a new TT Order Type param , TTStopChildTIFOverride, (tag 16962), type: int. Version: v98 |
03/26/2020 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added support for ExchangeTicker (456=91) to SecurityAltID ,(tag 454), repeating group. Version: v98 |
03/26/2020 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Refactored FIX Session shutdown to prevent crash on ungraceful disconnect/timeout. Version: v98 |
03/26/2020 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Improved FIX servers for rapidly processing of large batches of order or fill updates received due to mass fill confirmations from TTW or exchange clearing updates. Version: v98 |
03/26/2020 |
Fixes |
FIX Services |
Fixed an issue with security definition (35=d) messages where EEX calendar spreads could have a incorrectly formatted value in Tag 55. The issue was found in the initial v86 build that was deployed to North Am. only and does not exist in the v86 currently running in production. Version: v98 |
03/26/2020 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
On Execution Reports, TextA (16556), TextB (16557), TextC (16559) and TextTT (16558) will no longer be repeated in the StrategyParams (tag 957) repeating group, with the exception of TextA on Execution Reports from ICE and MX, which will are pending a future change to TT ICE & MX Order Connectors. Version: v98 |
03/26/2020 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Support routing of Reject messages created by FIX Order Router to a specific Error Account, which can then be delivered via FIX drop copy or viewed in TTW Audit Trail. Version: v98 |
03/26/2020 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
When duplicate FIX sessions attempt to log in to the TT FIX server, the session with the older session start time will be terminated with tag 58=Force logout due to duplicate session detection - <session comp ID> logged in to <tt server name> at <UTC time> appearing in the logout message. Version: v98 |
03/26/2020 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
FIX Release Version is now printed in tag 58 on the "Recovery Complete" news message sent by TT after logon. Available in all FIX Session types except FIX Inbound Drop Copy. Version: v98 |
03/26/2020 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Added new field, PriceDisplayType (tag 16451), type int, to Security Definition (35=d) messages. Version: v98 |
03/25/2020 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
All FIX Services for this release were initially deployed to UAT Data Centers ex-Chicago at EOD Mar. 23, 2020. FIX Services Chicago UAT DC will remain on v86. Production Release: 04/17/2020 Version: v98 |
03/25/2020 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
Migrating FIX Services in v86 to use Product Manager Single-tier library for internal instrument downloads from PDS; replaces Product Manager server. Production Release: 03/28/2020 Version: v86 |
03/20/2020 |
Fixes |
Autospreader |
Fixed a rare issue where user was unable to submit an Autospreader order based on incorrect TTUS permissions. |
03/20/2020 |
Fixes |
Autospreader |
Fixed a rare issue that resulted in an Autospreader server crash. |
03/20/2020 |
Fixes |
Autospreader |
Fixed an issue where an Autospreader order would be canceled and the new order was rejected during a Cancel/Replace request. |
03/20/2020 |
Fixes |
Autospreader Rules |
Fixed an issue where the Outside Throttle check of the "(TT) Quote Throttle" rule was not applied correctly. |
03/20/2020 |
Fixes |
Autospreader Rules |
Fixed an issue where the Limit check of the "(TT) Inside Smart Quote with Limit" rule was not applied correctly. |
03/20/2020 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
Added a new configuration option to FIX Drop Copy and Order Routing sessions to send only BD6 clearing fills for HKeX, SGX, TOCOM, OSE. The option is unchecked by default. |
03/20/2020 |
Fixes |
Fixed an issue which resulted in the inability of a specific ADL algo to route to a dedicated ASE server, |
03/20/2020 |
Fixes |
Fixed an issue where the TOCOM Post Trading market state was not considered tradable |
03/20/2020 |
Improvements |
Algos |
Added support for synthetic parent spread leg fills for all TT Algos. |
03/20/2020 |
Fixes |
Algos |
Fixed an issue which resulted in an incorrect value for leg_cum_qty for spread fills. |
03/20/2020 |
Fixes |
Improved the logic for infinite loop detection. |
03/19/2020 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Add a new endpoint POST /user/adminsettings to allow users to set the administrative settings. Production Release: 03/20/2020 |
03/18/2020 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added further algo limits to the (inter)product/contract limits for risk groups. Production Release: 03/20/2020 |
03/18/2020 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added the following endpoints: Production Release: 03/20/2020 |
03/14/2020 |
Improvements |
FIX Services |
All FIX Services for the FIX v93 release were initially deployed to UAT at EOD Mar. 7, 2020. Production Release: 06/05/2020 Version: v93 |
03/13/2020 |
Fixes |
TT Rest API |
Fixed an issue which resulted in incomplete payloads from the /user/{userId}/accounts endpoint. Production Release: 03/20/2020 |
03/13/2020 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Increased the timeout value for all endpoints to accommodate larger payloads. Production Release: 03/20/2020 |
03/13/2020 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added price reasonability properties to the following endpoints: Production Release: 03/20/2020 |
03/13/2020 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added a new GET endpoint named /pds/productfamilies that allows users to request product family information. Production Release: 03/20/2020 |
03/13/2020 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added a new GET endpoint named /company/{companyId} to allow users to query for company information by id. Production Release: 03/20/2020 |
03/13/2020 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added the disablebyOrderLimit property to the /account/tradepermissions POST endpoint. Production Release: 03/20/2020 |
03/13/2020 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Enhanced the endpoints related to order tag defaults as follows: Production Release: 03/20/2020 |
03/13/2020 |
Improvements |
TT Rest API |
Added a new POST /accountusers endpoint to allow up to 20 account-user updates to be sent in one call. Production Release: 03/20/2020 |
03/13/2020 |
Fixes |
TT Rest API |
Fixed an issue that resulted in invalid JSON in the parties array of the /ledger/fills endpoint return payload. Production Release: 03/20/2020 |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Market Grid |
Market Grid now has optional columns "UndBuys" and "UndSells" to display undisclosed quantities of working buy and sell orders. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Performance |
The Orders and Fills widget (OFW) now ignores the orders pane setting "Include orders from previous sessions" if it is checked on, and will only show current session fills for "watched" orders. This change greatly improves OFW performance by keeping current session fills in memory, and also mimics the behavior of the legacy OFW in 7.x X_TRADER. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Charts |
Added a new "Trading Schedule" widget available from the chart menu, which allows you to view the daily open and close times for the product in the chart. Times can be viewed in local PC time or exchange time. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Exchanges |
The ICE strategy instruments with the flag LegDealsSuppressed field=Y are now represented as Future instruments instead of being represented as Spreads. This instruments are now correctly categorized to match Webice. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Performance |
The TT v10 release significantly improves both the TT browser and TT Desktop application memory utilization and internal performance of handling very large numbers of orders, fills and price updates under heavy loads. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
To provide quicker access to algo templates during order entry, the Order Ticket algo template selector drop down control can now be set to always display on the ticket by enabling it via the right click "Show/Hide" menu. When checked on to "show", the template drop down control will appear on the main set of controls directly below the order type drop down control. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Fills |
The Fills widget (and the middle fills pane in the Orders and Fills widget) now provides a "Price with Detail" display mode. This view aggregates fills and displays summarized quantity totals at each price level grouped by contract. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Fills |
The Fills widget now provides a right click menu option to create a manual fill which launches the Position Manager widget. When Admin select this menu item the Position Manger will automatically be set to create an Admin fill. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Spread Matrix |
Spread Matrix widget now displays vertical and horizontal scroll bars. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Order Book |
The Order Book and Orders and Fills Widget (OFW) now highlight the ExeQty value in yellow for partially filled orders. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Settings |
A new setting is now available for Order Book and Fills widgets that will highlight order and fill rows when a new order or fill occurs. The highlight color will display for the designated number of seconds. Setting the value to zero (0) seconds will retain the highlight color until you select the right click menu "Mark all as seen". |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Settings |
Customizable color settings have been added to the Order Book and Fills widgets. Note that Buy text and Sell text are set separately from the individual background colors for the various states of the order and fill rows. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Order Book |
The floating order book (FOB) now has an optional "TrigQty" column. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Settings |
The global Orders preference "Seed with market quantity" checkbox now defaults to OFF for new users. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Market Grid |
The Market Grid row appearance context menu for font size and row height now indicates what size and height is currently applied. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Algo Dashboard |
Algo Dashboard can now be grouped with and filter the views of other widgets such as Order Book, Fills widget and Audit Trail. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
RTD now supports two new "endpoints" named "OrderStats" and "FillStats". |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Fills |
The Order Book and Fills widget now both have an optional checkbox setting to apply (or not apply) italics font styling to fills. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Settings |
We have added a new global Sounds preference to treat full fills on child orders as partial fills on the parent order. With this new "Consider child order full fill as partial fill" setting enabled, a partial fill sound will play when a child order of a parent order fully fills, instead of the previous behavior of playing the full fill sound when a child order fully filled (assuming both full and partial sounds are enabled). If only full fill sounds are enabled, and partial sounds are turned off, then fills on child orders will not play ... only the full sound will play when the parent is fully filled. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Positions |
The Positions widget now saves and restores filters and expand/collapse state of rows when switching between tabs. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Orders |
We have renamed ExchAcct to be "ClearingAcct" in all TTW/TTD widgets, edit boxes, tooltips, hint text, etc. to make the front end consistent with the "Clearing Account" field in TTUS setup screens. We have also added a new "AltExchAcct" field as a column in Order Profiles, Order Book, Fills widget and Audit Trail. This field initially maps to the "Exchange Account" field in TTUS setup screens (tag 440) for the ICE and ICE_L exchanges. Note that now with this field added to the Order Profiles widget, local values can be defined in the front end for this field for ICE and ICE_L. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
In the Order Ticket, you can now create a custom action button to seed the Manual Fill order type. This helps to quickly fill a parent care order with a manual fill. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Market Grid |
You can now resize Market Grid to be very narrow in width. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Market Grid |
In Market Grid, you can now expand/collapse all market depth rows at once (instead of one by one) by left clicking on the upper left cell of the grid to select all rows, and then click once on the plus/minus to apply that state to all rows in the grid. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Options |
Added support for custom strategy creation on the Montreal Exchange (MX). |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Settings |
Order Profile rules can now be set for the <Default> profile by an Admin via the .csv upload process. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Fills |
The Fills widget now provides an optional "OrderQty" column that is OFF by default. When enabled this column will populate when in the 'By Order" or "By Order (Summary) mode, and will display the sum of the filled qty and the remaining working qty of the order. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Market Data |
Orders placed on hold no longer display their quantity in Market Grid columns for working orders. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
When working a parent care order, the Order Ticket now hides the "Flip for Buy/Sell" functionality to ensure that child orders can only be submitted in the intended buy/sell direction. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Market Grid |
Market Grid now displays the full instrument name in a tooltip upon mouse hover on the Contract cell. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Algo Dashboard |
You can now minimize Algo Dashboard components such as the Algo Explorer (left pane) and the Algo Parameters (right pane) via a right click context menu. Once minimized, they can be restored by left click on the thin vertical bar. |
03/10/2020 |
Improvements |
Order Entry |
When the Order Ticket is set to 'Broker mode', flipping the buy/sell direction no longer affects the price seeded in the main price control prior to changing the B/S direction. |
03/09/2020 |
Improvements |
Exchanges |
1. Mexder market should be available on TT platform for trading. |
03/06/2020 |
Improvements |
Setup App |
When "Prevent Duplicate Orders" settings are configured on a parent account, they will now be inherited by all the sub accounts when "Apply to sub-accounts" checkbox is checked. If the settings are configured on the parent account, the sub accounts will not be able to opt out. |